Improving the customer experience improves bottom line results


By Sofia Sapojnikova | HappyOrNot

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2 min reading time

Customers are at the heart of every business. Therefore, to be and remain successful as a business, efforts will need to be focused on the customer experience, and in the broadest sense of the word. A company’s success is directly dependent on its ability to win the hearts of its customers and – quite simply – outperform its competitors.

A company creates loyal customers when it fully meets their needs and provides the ultimate customer experience. As is widely known, it takes a tremendous amount of effort, company resources and marketing initiatives to turn a visitor into a customer. And yet, only half the job is done when the customer comes on board. The real effort begins with keeping the customer’s interests first. This is precisely why it is so important for companies to develop policies that ensure effective and continuous interaction with customers.

A relationship with a customer is only long-lasting and most meaningful when it benefits both parties.

Relationships with customers are only long-lasting and meaningful when both parties benefit from them. A company that has effective interactions with customers can also create customer appreciation. Effective interactions also help companies discover the source of customer dissatisfaction. With this knowledge in hand, targeted changes can then be made in order to best match the customer’s desire & expectation.

A company’s attitude towards customer experience can be seen as one of the main characteristics of an organization. If only sales is the objective, success will most likely be limited. After all, if customers receive poor service or have negative experiences, chances are they will not return. The impact of this will negatively affect company performance. Instead, success in terms of higher and greater sales depends largely on the quality of offerings and customer relationship management. Every aspect of customer interaction must be optimized to ensure so-called repeat business.

However, it is not always the case that the customer stays happy. Ok, sometimes the reasons leading to a loss of a customer are beyond the company’s control scope. However, what is important to remember is that a company must be aware of the possibility of being able to address those situations that may affect the (un-)satisfaction of the customer. This includes, for example: customer service quality, product availability, delivery times, return policy, etc.

In order to improve customer satisfaction and his/her experience, a real awareness within the entire organization is necessary; an awareness that optimizing the customer experience should be carried by the total organization. A company that embraces the importance of keeping customers happy throughout the customer journey and takes steps to ensure that the company as a whole is committed to delivering high quality and best meeting customer expectations is one that will prove successful. Just as a company is focused on repeat business, a customer expects a repeat of the excellent experience they experienced the first time.

The main conclusion: improving the customer experience through HappyOrNot creates happier customers and with this, the bottom line automatically improves. Happy customers are more engaged with – and loyal to – your company. They are also more likely to recommend you to their friends and family. This increases the likelihood that the customer will continue with you, rather than the competitor; even when the competitor’s pricing is lower.

If you are a company looking to maximize profits, optimizing customer satisfaction will need to be at the top of your list of priorities.

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